Contributing Editors Program

Contributing Editors create, edit, and curate digital content for the SCA website and social media feeds. Many of our innovative streams of web content started as the brainchild of one or two Contributing Editors, and the SCA prides itself on empowering and learning from early-career scholars. Through their participation in the Program, graduate students and recent PhDs also build networks across institutions and take part in mentoring and professionalization activities.

Contributing Editors are appointed for an initial two-year term, which can be extended once for a maximum term of four years; the next cohort will be selected in 2022.

Program Coordinators

Fieldsights Editor, 2020–2022

Shaozeng Zhang

Oregon State University | [email protected]

Shaozeng Zhang's long-term research focuses on Amazon forest conservation and the carbon market in the context of global climate change. Recently, he has been developing work on digital technologies, such as computer games and online social media. He is interested in integrating anthropological methodology into user-generated big data analysis and is currently working on an NSF-funded project on the optimization of social fairness in artificial intelligence (AI) design.

Editorial Assistant

Erin Gould

Johnson County Community College | [email protected]

Research Interests: Youth; storytelling; performance; festivals; language; space; transformation; revival; Morocco; Middle East; pedagogy and innovations in teaching

Lead Contributing Editor and Contributing Editor

Noha Fikry

University of Toronto | [email protected]

Research Interests: Human-animal relations; anthropology of food; Middle-East; ethnography; narrative and writing

Student Representative

Shahana Munazir

University of Wisconsin-Madison | [email protected]

Research interests: Gender, ethics, anthropology of Islam, anthropology of care, future, migration, ethnography, South Asia, India


Section Editor

Michelle Hak Hepburn

University of British Columbia | [email protected]

Research Interests: Environmental imaginaries; anthropology beyond the human; Americas; feminisms; deforestation; restoration; coloniality

Section Editor

Nick Smith

University of Toronto | [email protected]

Research Interests: Urban mobility; public space; humanitarian sociality; futurity; precariousness

Contributing Editor

Sharon Jacobs

University of Pennsylvania | [email protected]

Research Interests: Solidarity and social movements; migration, asylum, and refugeehood; feminism and postcoloniality; Middle Eastern diaspora; Europe; Arabic language and linguistics

Contributing Editor

Marie Melody Vidal

School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, Paris | [email protected]

Research Interests: Sensory ethnography; the United States; gender; aging; anthropology of the contemporary

Contributing Editor

Clara Beccaro

The New School for Social Research | [email protected]

Research Interests: Bodily integrity; social formations; France; disability; transness; dissonance; materiality

Contributing Editor

Deborah Philip

The Graduate Center, City University of New York | [email protected]

Research Interests: Home; temporality; race; colonialism, nationalism; Sri Lanka, Indian Ocean

Contributing Editor

Ximena Málaga Sabogal

New York University | [email protected]

Research Interests: Media; radio; sound; post-conflict societies; reparations; language ideologies; Quechua; Andes; Peru

Contributing Editor

Hae-Seo Kim

University of California, Irvine | [email protected]

Research Interests: Outer Space; ecology; oceans and islands; futurity; Korea; science and technology studies; Korean Shamanism

Contributing Editor

Steffen Hornemann

University of Oslo | [email protected]

Research Interests: Technology and digital cultures; infrastructure; space and time; cities; labor; the body and the senses; bureaucracy

Contributing Editor

Alejandro Echeverria

University of California, Riverside | [email protected]

Research Interests: Citizenship; queerness; geographies; race; soundscapes

Member Voices

Section Editor

Janita Van Dyk

University of Toronto | [email protected]

Research Interests: Temporality; neoliberalism; ecology; alternative agriculture; politics of (bio)diversity; food; Italy

Contributing Editor

Danny Cardoza

University of Cambridge | [email protected]

Research Interests: Jehovah’s Witnesses; anthropology of religion; anthropology of Christianity; theology; technology; pedagogy; language; morality and ethics; space and time; Central Asia; Russia

Contributing Editor

Bulelani Jili

Harvard University | [email protected]

Research Interests: Africa-China relations; ICT development; cybersecurity; African political economy; internet policy; Chinese business law; law and development

Contributing Editor

Riddhi Pandey

The Graduate Institute, Geneva | [email protected]

Research Interests: Everyday carceral experiences; prison writings and art; visual and material culture; creative ethnographic writing; South Asia; India

Contributing Editor

Saumya Pandey

University of Ghent, Belgium and CMI, Norway | [email protected]

Research Interests: Resource extraction; inequality; work; welfare; development; feminist thought; and ethics and politics of knowledge-making practices.

Social Media

Section Editor

Adam Fleischmann

McGill University | [email protected]

Research Interests: Global anthropogenic climate change; politics; science; ethics; knowledge; philosophy; nonstate political actors; social movement studies; science and technology studies; history of science; pedagogy

Section Editor

Scott Ross

George Washington University | [email protected]

Research Interests: Humanitarianism; infrastructure; conflict; technology; intervention; Congo; Uganda

Contributing Editor

Breanna S. Escamilla

University of Illinois at Urbana‑Champaign | [email protected]

Research Interests: Womxn of color feminisms; gender/sexuality; digital ethnography; ethics; media and culture; race/ethnicity; Chicanx/Latinx studies; popular culture

Lead Contributing Editor

Kristin Gupta

Rice University | [email protected]

Kristin is a doctoral candidate at Rice University, where her dissertation follows the emergence of death doulas in the United States. Other Research Interests: care, capitalism, queer theory, STS, and medical anthropology.

Contributing Editor

Hannah E. Quinn

University of Toronto | [email protected]

Research Interests: Disability; ableism; personhood; intimacy; sexuality; sexual ethics; capacity to consent; social contract; solidarity; violence; research ethics; sensory and experimental ethnography

Contributing Editor

Lachlan Summers

University of California, Santa Cruz | [email protected]

Research Interests: Political ecology; prefigurative politics; insurance; chance; trauma; imagination and play; México

Contributing Editor

Parag Jyoti Saikia

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | [email protected]

Research interests: Infrastructure; Fluvial Life; Temporality; Hydropower; Dam; Frontier; South Asia; Northeast India.

Contributing Editor

Sohini Chatterjee

The University of Western Ontario | [email protected]

Research interests: queer and trans activism; critical disability studies; queer cultural studies; resistance movements in India.

Contributing Editor

Jimil Ataman

University of Pennsylvania | [email protected]

Research Interests: Anthropology of capitalism and consumerism; feminist politics and ethics of care; digital anthropology and social media ethnography; fashion and the politics of wearing, buying and making clothes.

Teaching Tools

Section Editor

Dana McLachlin

University of Amsterdam | [email protected]

Research Interests: Humanitarianism; postcolonialism; gender, race, and class; Bangladesh; economic anthropology

Section Editor

Sarah Paust

University of California, Los Angeles | [email protected]

Research Interests: Critical global health; philanthropy studies; humanitarianism; biopolitics; crowdfunding; reciprocity; empathy; health activism; surveillance; digital sociality

Section Editor

Dalton Price

University of Oxford | [email protected]

Research Interests: Liberalism; humanitarianism; NGOs; international development; United Nations; political economy; geopolitics; disciplinary regimes; international relations; diplomacy; Venezuela; Latin America

Contributing Editor

Mai Alkhamissi

Princeton University | [email protected]

Research Interests: Exile; Middle East; political geography; diaspora

Contributing Editor

Joshua Liashenko

University of California, Riverside | [email protected]

Research Interests: Queer anthropology; medical anthropology; transgender studies; activism; healthcare; biopolitics; social reproduction; community engaged research; Southern California

Student Representative and Contributing Editor

Alexandria Petit-Thorne

York University | [email protected]

Alexandria is a doctoral candidate at York University. Their research examines the digital performance practices of queer artists during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their research interests include digital ethnography, anthropology of media, queerness and sexuality studies, performance studies, community and care, and the politics of belonging. Other Research Interests: Performance; homonationalism; creative methodologies; teaching; pedagogy; research creation

Contributing Editor

Isabel M. Salovaara

Stanford University | [email protected]

Research Interests: Anthropology of capitalism; personhood; youth and adolescence; parallel education systems; moral anthropology; South Asia

Contributing Editor

Anika Jugović Spajić

University of Pittsburgh | [email protected]

Research Interests: Health and care; biopolitics; the state; postsocialism; neoliberalism; civil society; volunteerism; citizenship; responsibility; health activism; Serbia

Contributing Editor

Prerna Srigyan

University of California, Irvine | [email protected]

Research Interests: Science pedagogy; radical pedagogy; science and technology studies; environmental justice

Lead Contributing Editor and Contributing Editor

Noha Fikry

University of Toronto | [email protected]

Research Interests: Human-animal relations; anthropology of food; Middle-East; ethnography; narrative and writing

Visual and New Media Review

Section Editor

Jill J. Tan

Yale University | [email protected]

Research Interests: Death and dying; funeral corporations; urbanism; poetics; colonialisms; performance; games; Singapore; Southeast Asia

Section Editor

Ara Ortiz

Brandeis University | [email protected]

Research Interests: Infrastructures of mobility; urban citizenships; alternative economies; digital surveillance; visual and multimodal anthropology

Section Editor

Alejandro Jaramillo

New York University | [email protected]

Research Interests: Visual and media anthropology; political economy; contemporary art; branding; national identity and memory; ethnographic film; cultural and media production; consumption; Latin America; Colombia

Contributing Editor

Meredith Evans

York University | [email protected]

Research Interests: Affect; aesthetics; medical anthropology; sensory anthropology; sound studies; ethnomusicology; feminist technoscience; decoloniality; feminist and queer theory

Contributing Editor

Juliana Friend

University of California, Berkeley | [email protected]

Research Interests: Porn studies; circulation and publicity; queer theory; multimodal anthropology; Senegal; Côte d'Ivoire; participatory and collaborative research methods; archival practice

Contributing Editor

Farah Hallaba

University of Kent | [email protected]

Research Interests: Egyptian middle class; morality; migration; visual anthropology; auto-ethnography; sensory ethnography; collaborative and public anthropology; documentary filmmaking; digital interactive cocs; death; decolonizing education

Contributing Editor

Irmelin Joelsson

University of Oxford | [email protected]

Research Interests: Urbanism; economic anthropology; risks and insurance; material cultures and infrastructure; Tanzania; curating and visual cultures

Contributing Editor

Robyn Taylor-Neu

University of California, Berkeley | [email protected]

Research Interests: Mediation; aesthetics; semiotics; voice; landscape